The Alabama Compulsory Attendance Law requires all children, regardless of age, attending an Alabama public school comply with the Alabama Compulsory Attendance Laws (PreK through 12th grade). Mobile County Public School students who fail to attend school each day will be subject to the following procedures:
1. When a student misses a day of school and upon the student’s return to school, the parent must send; within three days, a written not explaining the cause of the absence. A failure to furnish such an explanation shall be evidence of the child being truant each day he is absent.
2. An excessive amount of absences due to illness, without doctor’s notes, will not be excused.
3. Student absences will be excused with a parent’s note for up to ten (10) absences.
4. Parents must submit doctor’s note after the 10th absence.
Unexcused Absences
1. The parents/guardians of any student who has ONE UNEXCUSED ABSENCE will receive a letter or telephone call from the school.
2. The parents/guardians of any student who has TWO UNEXCUSED ABSENCES will receive a letter or telephone call from the Attendance Officer.
3. The parent/guardian and student will be referred to the Early Warning Truancy Program on the 5th unexcused absence and on the 15th tardy to school. Referral to the program includes the following steps:
- The parent will receive official notification by U.S. Mail. The notice will require the parent and student to report to the Municipal Court located at the City/County Government Plaza.
- The parent and student will meet with the Attendance Officer and the District Attorney. The Attendance Officer will review the system’s Attendance Policy; the District Attorney will review the State of Alabama’s Attendance Laws and consequences of breaking the laws.
-If the parent and student fail to appear at the scheduled Early Warning Truancy Program, the parent may receive legal notice and a court referral.
If excessive absences are due to a chronic illness, parents are asked to complete a chronic illness form, take it to the child’s doctor to obtain verification and signatures, and return it to the school. This information will be kept on file at the school and used along with doctor’s notes to assigned missed days as excused.
It is critical that students get to school on time. The instructional day begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. When students come late, they miss that instruction which cannot be made up. A pattern of tardiness can and will create academic problems for students. An occasional tardy will be excused.
If for some reason your child is late for school, parents and students are asked to follow the following procedures:
- Students must report to the office to receive a tardy slip. Students will not be allowed to enter the classroom without a tardy slip.
- Because teachers are not on duty, the parent/guardian must accompany their child to the office.
- Parents will be asked to provide a reason for tardiness.
- Consistent and chronic tardiness can be considered parental neglect.
- Excessive tardiness will be referred to the Attendance Officer. Attendance Officer will report excessive tardiness to the Early Warning Truancy Center Program.
Breakfast and lunch are free of charge to students this year. Parents do not have to complete an application. Breakfast starts at 7:30 a.m. And ends before 8:00. Please have your child at school on time to eat breakfast. Lunch times vary, depending on grade level, but lunch begins at 10:50 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m.
For adults, breakfast costs $1.50 and a visiting child is $1.00. An adult lunch is $3.75 and a visiting child is $2.75. Ice cream costs $1.00.
The students at Indian Springs will have many opportunities to participate and be involved in civic activities. We believe those activities will enhance each student’s education, build character, and promote service to others. Some of these activities include:
Student Government Association (SGA)
Students are introduced to politics through the Student Government Association. They campaign for offices and vote in actual voting booths. The SGA sponsors several civic activities each year.
Engaging Youth in Engineering (EYE)
Fourth and fifth grade students will participate in activities that will increase critical thinking and problem solving. Students will have hands-on-activities to promote their awareness of how math and science work together to solve problems. EYE is an afterschool program.
National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) (Isum Richardson Chapter)
The NEHS was established in 2008 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) in cooperation with the National Association of Elementary Schhol Principals (NAESP) to recognize elementary students in both public and non-public schools for their outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated personal responsibility, to provide meaningful service to the school and community, and to develop essential leadership skills.
Boy Scouts
Students can sign-up for Boy Scouts in August.
Safety Patrol
Designed to promote safety and service.
Girl Scouts
Students can sign-up for Girl Scouts in August.
Breakfast 7:30-8:00 a.m.
First Bell 8:00 a.m.
Tardy Bell 8:15 a.m.
Afternoon Announcements 2:45 p.m.
K, 2, 4 Dismissal to PODS 2:53 p.m.
1, 3, 5 Dismissal to PODS 2:55 p.m.
Dismissal 3:00 p.m. (Car & Walkers)
Bus Riders K-2/Afterschool Care Dismissal 3:05 p.m.
Bus Riders 3-5/Afterschool Care Dismissal 3:08 p.m.
3:15 p.m. (Bus Students)
Because student safety is a priority at Indian Springs, parents are asked to not drop off their child before 7:30 a.m. Any student dropped off before 7:30 a.m. will be placed in the Before/After Day Care Program at a cost of $5.00. Parents are also asked to please be prompt in picking up your child after school. Assigned teachers are on duty to supervise students until 3:30 p.m. Students who are not picked up by 3:30 p.m. will be placed in the After Day Care Program at a cost of $10.00. Again, your child’s safety is our top priority.
If there is a change in the way your child is to go home, YOU MUST WRITE A NOTE TO HIS/HER TEACHER STATING HOW YOUR CHILD WILL GO HOME! Parents will not be able to call the school to inform the teacher of a change in how the child will get home. The school has no way of properly identifying a caller. Anything other than written notice from the parent creates a potential safety issue for the child. Without a note, the parent will have to make arrangements for an early dismissal.
Your cooperation and support are necessary for the safety of all students.
Students will not be allowed to attend school without proper uniform attire as outlined in the Mobile County Public School Board Policy. Parents will receive a WARNING LETTER first time a student is not in compliance with our school uniform policy. IF it occurs again, parents will be called to pick-up the student or bring the appropriate uniform attire to school. Chronic violations of the uniform policy can result in suspension from school.
BELT: Black/Brown
SHOES: Solid White or Black Tennis Shoes (NO LOGOS OR ADDITIONAL COLORS)
SOCKS: Navy, Black, or White (NO ANKLE SOCKS!)
SWEATER/JACKET: Navy Blue (No other color will be allowed in the building. Students may wear heavy jackets of another color during the really cold weather, but jackets must be removed when in the building.)
TRADITIONAL HAIRCUTS AND STYLES ONLY: No Mohawks, hair paint, non-traditional hair dyes, hair sparkles, etc.
SHIRT: Gold Polo with collar
BELT: Black/Brown
SHOES: Solid White or Black Tennis Shoes (NO LOGOS OR ADDITIONAL COLORS)
SOCKS: Navy, Black, or White (NO ANKLE SOCKS!)
SWEATER/JACKET: Navy Blue (No other color will be allowed in the building. Students may wear heavy jackets of another color during really cold weather, but jackets must be removed when in the building.)
TRADITIONAL HAIRCUTS AND STYLES ONLY: No Mohawks, hair paint, non-traditional hair dyes, hair sparkles, etc.
NOTE: Students should not wear any hair style that is distracting, offensive, or interferes with the normal flow of the instructional day.
1. Shirts must be tucked in and a belt worn with pants or shorts.
2. If an undershirt is worn under regular uniform shirt, it must be PLAIN WHITE. (NO WRITING).
3. No oversize clothes – shirts, jackets, belts. NO sweat clothes.
4. Clothes should be visibly CLEAN.
5. No logos or inappropriate accessories allowed. (i.e. sweatband, wristbands, necklaces, large visible jewelry, etc.)
6. Cosmetics of any kind are prohibited
7. Shoes should be suitable for school – NO sandals, flip-flops or clogs.
8. Uniform jackets and coats (Navy Blue)
9. NO jewelry or make-up allowed.
In case of an emergency, each student is required to have the following information on file:
Parent/Guardian name (s).
Complete and up-to-date address.
Home phone, work phone, cell phone and/or pager number to reach you.
Emergency telephone numbers of friends or relatives, in case you can not be reached immediately.
Physician's name and phone number.
Medical alert information.
Authorized person allowed to pick up your child (The school will not release your child to anyone not listed on the Student Enrollment Card).
Statement indicating how your child will get home (car, bus, walk, daycare van...)
It is imperative that we have an up-to date information and a working telephone number to contact you!
If a student becomes too ill to remain in class, we will notify you By telephone. Transportation cannot be provided by us for your child. If your child wakes up with fever, please do not send him/her to school.
A student that contracts a contagious disease or condition, such as pink eye, chicken pox, ringworm, impetigo or pediculosis (head lice) will be sent home from school and must remain home until the condition or disease is corrected.
Students will be issued available textbooks in all subjects to be used for the current school year. Textbooks are loaned to students; therefore, it is important that students put covers on their books, do not write in their books, do not damage or lose these books. Teachers will have a book check quarterly. Parents will be notified if a student loses or damages a book prior to the end of the year. Students will not be re-issued a new textbook until the lost/damaged one is paid for.
Parents should not call the school to speak to or relay a message to students. In the case of an emergency, the office staff will ask the teacher to send the student to the office. Parents will not be able to call the school to inform the teacher of a change in how the child will get home. The school has no way of properly identifying a caller. Anything other than written notice from the parent creates a potential safety issue for the child. Without a note, the parent will have to make arrangements for an early dismissal.
Students will be permitted to use the office telephone for emergencies only with staff permission.Parents may access the school website to gain information about current school events, teacher and staff information, school policies and procedures, school calendar, etc. The website is updated monthly.
“A Parent Friendly School”
- All persons entering the building must go directly to the office and sign-in before going to any other part of the school building.
- Visitors must wear a VISITOR’S/VOLUNTEER’S BADGE while in the school building.
- Conferences should be scheduled with the teacher before/after school or during the teacher’s planning time. Unnecessary interruptions consume time and hinder the instructional program.
- Volunteers are welcome! Please arrange this with your child’s teacher.
- No student will be permitted to leave the building with a visitor unless this has been processed through the school office. Parents/Guardians are not to go directly to the classroom to pick-up students. Students will be called from the office.
- Students will only be released to the parents/guardians or persons authorized by the parent/guardian. A photo ID will be required at the time of release.
These security measures are for the protection of our students!
It is important that all students at Indian Springs receive high quality instruction in an environment free from distractions and interruptions. In order for that to happen, all students are expected to follow school rules and procedures.
1. Politely and quietly walk to the right of the hallway.
2. Respect others and keep the school building and grounds neat and clean.
3. Illustrate an understanding of appropriate behavior in all areas of the school building, grounds, and buses.
4. Demonstrate self-control and good sportsmanship.
5. Engage in behaviors that promote high academic achievement and pride in self, school, and community.
1. Stay seated while the bus is in motion.
2. Keep hands, head, etc. inside the bus.
3. Keep hands and feet to one’s self. (NO HITTING/KICKING/PUSHING/FIGHTING!)
4. Sit quietly.
5. After leaving the bus, move away from the bus immediately.
6. No eating on the bus.
7. Respect and follow the directions of the bus driver at all times.
Caring relationships form the foundation for learning
Emotions affect how learning takes place and what is learned
Goal setting and problem solving provide direction and energy for learning
All students have the right to receive high quality instruction in a learning environment free from distractions and disruptions.
In order for our students to learn, live, and work together in a productive, safe environment, appropriate behavior is necessary. The school system, the school, and each class have established realistic and reasonable guidelines for all students to follow so that learning can take place without disruption. The Mobile County School Board has mandated a Code of Student Conduct Handbook that each student will receive at the beginning of the school year. Parents and students should read and discuss this publication. The classroom teacher through discussions with the student handles minor problems in a routine manner. Repeated disruptive incidents will be handled by an office referral. In most cases, parents will be contacted regarding unacceptable behavior. Your cooperation and understanding are essential. The schools are established for the benefit of all students. The educational purpose of the schools is accomplished best in a climate of students’ behavior that is socially acceptable and conducive to the learning and teaching process. Indian Springs has a Zero Tolerance for Fighting and Bullying. Any behavior that disrupts this process or that infringes upon the rights of other individuals will not be tolerated. Parents, your cooperation and support of our school’s discipline policy are critical to your child’s academic achievement.
Students who commit violations of the Code of Student Conduct (Board Approved) are subject to suspension. Based on the severity of the violation, students may additionally be recommended for long-term suspension; which may exceed 10 days, or expulsion (permanent removal from school).
Group A Group B
*Excessive talking in the classroom. *Leaving classroom or campus
*Cheating and/or copying of others’ work. without permission.
*Minor act of disobedience. *Acts of minor physical aggression.
*Being improperly dressed/out of uniform. *Truancy.
*Tardiness to class and/or school. *Class cutting, skipping.
*Minor misbehavior on school bus. *Act of willful disobedience.
*Public display of physical affection. *Possession and/or use of Electronic
*Non-participation in class: No books, Communication Devices (pagers,
materials, etc. cellular phones, etc.).
*Infractions that are minor in nature and *Possessing, selling, furnishing,
disrupt the orderly educational process giving away, distributing, transferring,
*Misuse of lunch identification number. or obtaining commercial fireworks.
*Possession of nuisance items (e.g. *Possessing, selling, furnishing,
fake items: snake, spiders, etc.) giving away, distributing, transferring,
*Any other offense that the principal may or obtaining a realistic toy, replica, or
Deem reasonable to fall within this category look-a-like gun.
of misconduct.
Using obscene/profane language-whether
spoken, written or gestures.
Using or possessing tobacco products.
Violation of the Internet policy, includes
Social media.
Bullying, cyber bullying, harassing
behavior which threatens the health
and welfare of any person.
Any other offense the principal may deem
reasonable to fall in this category.
Group A offenses are cumulative by group, for each academic year. The words “2nd Offense and Subsequent Offenses” refer to and include all second and subsequent violations of any Group A offense. If the offense is committed by a special education student, please refer to the IEP. If the offense is committed by a Section 504 student, please refer to that section.
Group Boffenses are cumulative by group for each academic year. The words “2nd Offense and Subsequent Offenses” refer to and include all second or subsequent violations of any Group B offense. If the offense is committed by a special education student or a 504 student, please refer to paperwork before taking disciplinary action.
Students who commit Group A or B offenses may be placed in in-house detention instead of being suspended from school.
Groups C, D, & E offenses are cumulative by group. These acts of misconduct include those illegal student behaviors which most seriously disrupt the orderly educational process, in the classroom or other areas of school jurisdiction, and which may result in criminal prosecution. If the offense was committed by a special education student or a 504 student, please refer to paperwork before disciplining. Principals shall immediately inform a Resource Officer about any violation. See Student Code of Conduct handbook pages 21–31.
Students who ride a MCPSS bus shall comply with the following rules and procedures or risk losing their privileges to ride the bus. Those rules and procedures are as follow:
- All rules of the Student Code of Conduct apply to conduct while waiting for, boarding, riding, or disembarking any school system vehicle.
- The Bus Driver is in charge and shall be respected and obeyed at all times.
- Use of tobacco and any other products or substances prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct are prohibited.
- Possession or use of weapons or dangerous objects is forbidden.
- Students shall not be involved in disruptive behavior. Disruptive behavior include but is not limited to:
1. Disturbing the Bus Driver.
2. Yelling on the bus.
3. Rude, discourteous or annoying behavior.
4. Entering or leaving the bus improperly.
5. Disturbing other students.
6. Fighting or scuffling.
7. Damaging/vandalizing the bus.
8. Use of profane language.
9. Placing body parts out of the window.
10. Eating, drinking, or littering while on the bus.
11. The student was involved in disruptive behavior at the bus stops.
- Students shall be required to observe the order of seating as determined by the driver.
- Students shall participate in an orderly bus emergency evacuation drill on the school campus during month of September and again in January.
The following actions will be used when students do not follow bus rules or engage in behavior or activities that threaten the safety and well-being of the students and driver.
First Offense: Student/Parent/Administrator Conference
Second Offense: Student/Parent/Administrator Conference
Third Offense: Suspension from school bus. Time suspended shall be determined by the principal.
Students shall be automatically suspended from the bus on the first offense for the following reasons:
- Fighting
- Weapons
- Damage to the bus (Parents are responsible for cost of the damage to the bus).
- Any other offense the principal may deem reasonable to fall within this category of serious misconduct (MCPSS Student Code of Conduct B, C, D, or E offenses).
Some of our students walk to school. Most of those students have to cross busy streets and intersections. Parents should make sure their children use all safety precautions. Jay walking is dangerous and against the law. Indian Springs participates in the “Safe Walks to School” Program, which teaches students to use safety precautions when walking to and from school.
Parents who transport their children should be aware of and observe the special signs in the area around the school. Within the area of the school, please slow down to 15 miles per hour. Please do not pull into the teacher’s parking lot to drop off and pick up your child.
1. All car riding students arriving to school must be dropped off in front of the school. DO NOT drop your child off in the parking lots or other areas.
2. All car riding students leaving the school campus must be picked up in front of the school.
3. Enter the school campus through the entrance near the playground area and exit through the center driveway.
4. Do not leave your car unattended in the driveway directly in front of the school. Stay with your car and move down the end of the sidewalk as the cars ahead of you move.
5. Do not park in the emergency area in front of the school.
6. Do not park in the handicapped area in front of the school.
7. Do not park behind the cafeteria or in the other driveways.
8. Once you have your child, wait until everyone ahead of you has their child before beginning to move your car. PULLING AROUND IS NOT PERMITTED!
9. You may not walk up to the front of the school to get your child. NO CHILD WILL BE ALLOWED TO GO TO THE PARKING LOT OR ANY AREA TO MEET HIS/HER RIDE!
10. Teachers will not be allowed to use dismissal time to conference with parents. Teachers are responsible for the safety of our children and must not be distracted from this responsibility.
11. Remind you child to watch for your car.
School buses are loaded/unloaded from the covered area in front of the school on rainy days. As a result, traffic will move at a slower pace. Please be patient as we endeavor to keep students dry and safe.
Safety Patrol is part of our school safety program. All students are expected to respect the safety patrol rules at all times. Safety Patrol students will be assigned at various positions for the purpose of assisting teachers and staff with the monitoring of students. Please be courteous and respectful.
Report Cards are distributed quarterly. In addition to grades, please pay close attention to the Conduct, Work-Study Habits, and Homework sections. Students who have unsatisfactory conduct, work-study habits or don’t complete homework typically have poor academic skills. Parents and teachers should work together to ensure that students maintain good work study habits, demonstrate appropriate behavior in the classroom and complete homework assignments.
In addition to the quarterly report card, each student will receive a minimum of one progress report per quarter (every four weeks). Teachers may elect to send a weekly or bi-monthly report to parents. All progress reports should be signed and returned to your child’s teacher.
It is extremely important that parents schedule a conference with the teacher if the progress reports and/or report cards indicate that the child is struggling academically or having behavior problems. Students who do not make adequate academic progress by the end of the 3rd quarter may have to repeat a grade or be required to attend summer school.
Teacher Conferences
If problems arise during the year, the following steps for a solution are recommended:
1. Schedule a conference with the teacher at the onset of a behavior problem.
2. Schedule a conference with the teacher if your child experiences academic problems.
3. If your child’s teacher requests a conference, schedule a time to meet with the teacher as soon as possible. Teachers will typically only request parent conferences when it is necessary to do so.
4. Parents and teachers working together can resolve any problem. If the problem cannot be resolved at the parent/teacher level, call or visit the principal.
The Indian Springs’ Signal Post
“Monday Messages”
One of the most important things your child will bring home is the parent newsletter. PLEASE READ THIS NEWSLETTER! It will contain announcements concerning important events, activities, dates to remember, etc. Most of the information that parents call the school about is printed in the newsletter. As a general rule, the newsletter will be sent home on a Monday.
Students new to the Mobile County Public School System must present to the school at the time of enrollment, the following documents:
- Parent/Guardian photo ID
- Student’s Social Security Card (Original)
- Student’s Certified Birth Certificate (Original)
- Certificate of immunization (only Alabama issued immunization)
- Two proofs of residence
Two proofs of residence are required annually at registration from all students. Each time a student enters a school for the first time, or each time he/she changes his/her address, new proofs of residence are required.
ALL students must present TWO (2) proofs of residence.
REQUIRED: One (1) proof that reflects physical residence
- Property Tax Records or Deeds: Tax receipt record or deed
- Apartment or House Lease: Apartment or house rent receipt/Apartment or house lease (in parent/guardian name)
REQUIRED: One (1) proof from the following:
- Utility Bills or Utility Deposit Receipts (water, gas, telephone, electric, or deposit receipts, garbage service bill)
- Income Tax Records from IRS to the Parent/Guardian. Copy of check/correspondence from IRS
- Other Official Proofs. Check or correspondence from the Social Security Office, Department of Human Resources (DHR), Food Stamp Office or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
- Bank Records. Checking/Savings/Loan statement; Investment certificate
- Employment Records; company check/verification from employer
- Two (2) credit card accounts (counts as one proof)
In addition, parents will be required to complete and /or sign that they have read the following information for each child registered:
v Student Enrollment Information Card
v Home Language Survey
v Health Assessment Record
v Attendance Policy
The Mobile County School Board has directed before a student can be officially enrolled in school, the parents/guardians must properly complete all registration documents.
IMMUNIZATION CARD: Without exception, any child returning or new to the Mobile County Public School System MUST by LAW have a current State of Alabama Immunization Record known as a “Blue Card.”
Volunteers are always welcome. In addition to room mothers who coordinate classroom activities, volunteers are needed to listen to students read, read to students, help with homework, go on field trips, work in the first aide room, media center, serve on telephone committees, and act as resource persons.
Welcome back!
Be part of your child's education! Have a voice!
PTA accomplishes many goals thanks to your effort and support. Please continue to be involved in your child's education.
When it is necessary that a student be administered medicine during school hours, the parent/guardian and physician must complete form SS-417-A (School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization). This form must be signed by a physician and submitted to the school nurse prior to dispensation of medicines. The MCPSS requires school employees to follow the following procedures when administering medication to students:
1. Medication shall be administered at school only when absolutely necessary.
2. Over-the-counter medications (e.g. Tylenol, Advil) must be PRESCRIBED BY THE DOCTOR. The pharmacist must label medications of this type specifically as the doctor orders. The students name must be on the label of the medicine bottle.
3. A letter from the parent must be sent to the school requesting permission for medication to be administered at school. (NO phones calls will be accepted!) There is a prepared form in the school office that parents must complete and sign.
4. Medication that is prescribed for three times a day should be given as follows: just before leaving home, upon returning home, and just before bedtime. The only exception to this schedule is medication that must be given before or along with meals.
5. The medication must be in a container labeled by the pharmacist as to the name of the medication, dosage and how it is to be administered, and must have the name of the student and the prescribing physician.
You should have received the Mobile County Public Schools' Student Handbook & Code of Conduct booklet on the first day of school. It explains the rules for using computers at school. On the back of the Student Enrollment Information Card, you were asked to sign permission for your child to have access to the Internet and permission for your child to be in/on a video or audio tape. Indian Springs' LMS uses student pictures and recordings posted on our website. We try to include names only or pictures only, so your child can not be identified by a stranger browsing our page. Thank you for allowing your child to be part of our website.
All students will receive a homework folder. Our upper grade students will receive a planner. Parents should get familiar with these tools. Students will be required to use both the homework folder and student planner to keep up with homework, communicate with parents, organize assignments, etc. The homework folder and planners will help to improve our students’ work habits and study skills. Parents will need to check with their children each week to determine whether or not students are actually using these tools.
Each teacher can have up to two (2) parties per year: Christmas and End of School. Teachers may or may not ask for parental assistance. Parents are welcomed to participate, but may NOT bring other siblings to the classroom parties.
Birthday Parties
MCPSS does not allow school to have birthday parties. Teachers may elect to allow a parent to bring treats to be eaten during a brief snack time. Snacks cannot be served until after 2:30 p.m. No other party items are permitted (balloons, party favors, etc.).