About The School
The mission of Indian Springs Elementary School is to promote growth and learning in a safe, caring environment with the help of teachers, families, and community.
VISION: Excellence in Every Way Every Day
Learning is the most important reason why students are in school.
Successful education is a partnership and the shared responsibility of students, educators, parents/guardians, and the community.
Each student is a valued individual with unique intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs.
Students learn in different ways and should be provided with a variety of instructional approaches that will encourage them to achieve their highest potential.
Connecting education to real life experiences empowers all students to become responsible citizens and life-long learners.
A competent, dedicated staff is an invaluable resource for the successful education of students.
Smaller classes enable children to benefit from more individualized instruction.
Everyone deserves to be treated with fairness, dignity, and respect, and has the right to a safe and secure educational environment.
We are proud to go to Indian Springs Where we grow and we learn all year long
With our teachers help, we live responsibly
And our hearts and our minds grow strong All the friends we'll meet During school days so brief
We’ll remember our whole life through
So to Indian Springs, our school so dear
We pledge our allegiance to you!
Kyrah Drasheff, Teacher
General Information
WEEKLY NEWSLETTER, The Indian Springs Signal Post is the schools main avenue for communicating with our parents. As a general rule, the newsletter will be sent home each Monday. The newsletter will contain announcements concerning pertinent events, activities, and other important information about the school and/or the school district. It is extremely important that parents read the weekly school newsletter.
It is required that any person entering the building during the school day must go directly to the office. · Visitors must sign in upon entering the building and sign out when leaving the building.· Visitors must wear a VISITOR’S/VOLUNTEER’S BADGE!· Conferences are scheduled with the teacher before/after school and during the teacher’s planning time. · Unnecessary interruptions consume time and hinder the instructional program.· No students will be permitted to leave the building with a visitor unless this has been done through the school office. These security measures are for the protection of our students!
School Schedule
Take-In Bell: 8:00 a.m.
Tardy Bell- 8:15 a.m.
Dismissal 3:00 p.m. (Car riders and Walkers) 3:15 p.m. (Bus Students).
Please see that your child arrives at school between 7:50 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. NO EARLIER. Please be prompt in picking up your child after school. Assigned teachers are on duty to supervise children at 7:50 a.m. and until 3:30 p.m. This will help safeguard our children. Students who are not picked up by 3:30p.m. are placed in the school's After Care program at a cost of $10. Your help and support will be appreciated. If there is a change in the way your child is to go home, YOU MUST WRITE A NOTE TO HIS/HER TEACHER STATING HOW YOUR CHILD WILL BE GOING HOME! Your cooperation and support are necessary for the safety of all
Title I School
Response to Instruction (RTI)
Response to Instruction (RTI) is a problem-solving based, collaborative approach to identifying and meeting the needs of all students. Teams of teachers and support staff meet a minimum of once per month to analyze student data, which may include attendance, behavior, tests, grades, work samples, etc., in order to determine the need for, type and degree of interventions needed to support student learning. Response to Instruction(RTI) is a general education initiative. It is used to ensure that all students receive research-based, tiered instruction prior to a special education referral.
History of Indian Springs-Current Location

The Annex building was completed in 1982. This addition allowed our school to have twenty-two classrooms for grades Kindergarten through five. In 1992, a large playground was built through the efforts of parents and faculty members.
In 2014, Indian Springs Elementary School was updated and renovated.